Coffee kiosk pet friendly

Coffee kiosk pet friendly. Is a place that shares characteristics between a bar and a restaurant. Generally, the base is coffee, although it can also serve food and drinks (both cold and hot).

Why is a coffee kiosk pet friendly a good idea for an entrepreneur?

Because the coffee it’s a very popular drink not only for his taste and smell but for the energy it provides. Setting up a pet friendly coffee shop as a result can only win you more customers.

Advantages of this business idea:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps regulate blood pressure
  • Promotes a good relationship between people
  • Promotes job satisfaction that translates into greater productivity
  • Less expenses for the owner of the pet (worry, walkers, nurseries, etc.)


Disadvantages of a coffee shop that accepts pets:

  • A client or employee may be allergic to animals
  • Some people have animal phobias
  • You must comply with all stringent sanitary rules

If you have any questions you can contact us, we are always at your disposal.